On occasion, you may need to submit an Invoice that has already been fully paid in My Clients Plus as a Claim to the Payer. To do this, you will need to add that Fully Paid Invoice to your Claims Awaiting Submission tab. From there you will be able to check for errors and submit the Claim.
Add Invoice to Claims Awaiting Submission
- Locate Client and open Client Profile.
- Click Ledger in side menu.
- Click Fully Paid Invoices tab.
- Locate appropriate Invoice and click Actions and select Add Claims to Awaiting Submission.
Check Claim for Errors & Submit
Checking for errors in My Clients Plus is a simple scrub that checks for missing items such as address, birthdate, Provider, etc. It will not validate that information entered is correct, it is simply searching for missing information.
- Click Billing tab in primary navigation bar. Claims > Awaiting Submission tab displays.
- Select the fully Paid Invoice/Claim you just added to Awaiting Submission.
- Click Check Select Claims for Errors button above.
- Fix prompted errors.
- Select that fully Paid Invoice/Claim again and click Submit Selected Claims button.
The Fully Paid Invoice (Claim) will move to the Submitted tab, where it will sit until it is Accepted or Rejected.